Wednesday 24 October 2012

Aaron Bouren

Aaron Bouren
Experts have worked out a law to help the people to change their lives. YES! It is true.  The Law of Association it is called which says that a person’s intellect is always the combined averages of five people whom he interacts the most with. The fifth one being the most important, THE PERSON HIMSELF!

A person’s mind never stops thinking. Ideas from here and there always keep wandering in the mind and one does not simply refrain itself from pondering upon them. It is a kind of self talk that keeps going on and on. The human mind never stops to express itself either alone or among other people. It is this self talk (9000 10 1800/hr approx.) along with the other four minds that combine together to determine a person’s intellectual ability. In fact, YOUR intellectual ability!

As Mr. Aaron Bouren correctly states, “It is not important how good you are. What matters the most is, the company you keep”, ergo, a person’s associations and repetitive thinking are highly important for shaping his intellectual level and future goals.  Now, there are two ways to go about it. Either you change your thinking, or change your association priorities. In either way, you are probably going to change your life. Think again. The decision is yours.

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